Oh, for the exuberance of Tom wanting to get to the Grand Teton's. "Can we leave by 8 a.m.?" Met by a few groans from the crowd that now desperately need a day off. But we agreed because we wanted to see the mountains and he had a trail all picked out. So at 7:30 a.m., I was trying to roll Katie out of bed to many a groan and pulling her covers up higher. Only the promise of a set of Pop-Tarts that Joy and Trei had left behind managed to get her out of bed. Everyone else got up and ready, breakfasted and in the car by 8:17.
We then drove back through Yellowstone and down to the Grand Teton National Park. We took only one wrong turn, probably a record so far this trip and stopped at the Pioneer Grill because it was now almost 11 and if he was going to have us hike 4 hours, he had to start with us full! We wandered the gift shop while the grill set up for lunch and then ate our fill. I had an unusual Taco Salad that had chipotle marinated lettuce with feta cheese, beans, corn salsa, tomatoes, chicken and salsa vinaigrette dressing. Tom had a salmon BLT and the salmon was delicious. Luke and I also ordered garlic butter and parmesan fries which I thought were delicious and he didn't like.
We drove from there to Taggert Lake trailhead in the heart of the Grand Tetons. It was the classic hike. Nice trail with rocks and roots to go over. Areas of serious gains in elevation(about 400 feet) and downhill. Babbling brooks, quaking aspen, a lake in the middle where we took a break and laid on warm rocks while we took a break. Then we walked the rest of the way back to the parking lot. 4.2 miles total and only took us 3 hours even with the break.
We headed back to the campsite with a storm starting to brew over the Tetons and stopped at a convenience store for some ice cream. After that we were driving and noticed a large crowd of people staring into the woods by the side of the road and knew that it was another wildlife siting. This one with a ranger trying to move people a long. It was a grizzly bear up in the woods. Yeah! Now we had seen both kinds of bears and from the safety of our car. I couldn't get a picture because the ranger wouldn't let us slow down much or stop.
We arrived back in town just in time to change clothes and go to church at Our Lady of the Pines. It is a beautiful mission church basically for tourists. After that, home for dinner and now to bed. We did convince Dad that tomorrow is a rest day and we will have to pack and go to the North entrance tomorrow anyway. So, Katie and I are sleeping in until we can't sleep anymore. It is pouring rain right now and we have been very lucky with the rain! Until tomorrow!