Thursday, July 29, 2010

A day of ups and downs!

I awoke this morning to the sound of puking! A lovely way to start any day in a camper. And of course it was our "canary of the mines", Hayden! We had planned to take kind of a day off after two long days which turned out to be a wise move with the present situation. I got up and did laundry which is better than I can do at home because my washer is broke again as most of you know. We then left Hayden and Tom(part of the fine print of the marriage contract) and went shopping in town. Souvenirs were bought and if you look closely, Katie is sporting a fox tail and up in front, so is Luke. Hmmm! Many comments then when we went hiking. Came back for lunch and Hayden had only puked 4 times(he informed me his record is 12) and he was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Tom doesn't believe in resting the belly or starting slow. which is why he gets to stay home with them.
After lunch, we went back to the Old Faithful area in search of Morning glory pool and prismatic spring pool. They are the ones always featured on the cover of National Geographic and such. We went through a couple of geyser basins but managed to miss the prismatic springs one. So, we pushed on for Old Faithful area and go ice cream and then found out that morning glory pool was 1.5 miles away and 1.5 miles back. Joy and Trei said, seen one, seen them all and we moved back to the campsite. We did manage to also see a bald eagle, 2 mama elk and their twins, and the rangers herding bison off the roadway with babies in the group as well. We also had friends texting about the bear killings in the campground near Yellowstone. Thanks, friends!
When I got home, Tom was chagrined to tell us that (no, Hayden hadn't puked again) but that a big wind blast went through and tore the awning and awning apparatus off our camper and onto the roof and tent area on the end. We quickly realized that 3 of the 4 holders were broken and took a knife and cut off the awning and threw it away. It also managed to poke a hole in one of the tent beds(TOM AND MINE!). I put duct tape on both sides which will probably hold longer than the life span of the rest of the tent. Anyway, we are good for now and I am hoping that my foresight into buying RV insurance will pay for a new awning and tent. (Don't tell them the awning was about shot anyway).
We ended the evening with bison steaks(mostly tough) but we are told very lean. Give me a little fat for some tenderness and I will hike it off, please. Hayden is back to normal and it is another lovely evening. I rode with Luke up to the IMAX theatre on our bikes to get the times. Luke thinks that all this exercise in altitude will be the equivalent of legal blood doping for two a days in football when he gets back. We may do Grand Teton tomorrow, we will see if everyone is well.

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